Another One Gone....

I was saddened to see that another South End store which catered to both gay and pre-Megan and Sean South Enders suddenly disappeared this week. Tommy Tish, a tiny South End institution, is gone. Did it relocate? Anyone know anything? TT had a great selection of small gifts, wrapping papers and unique cards, from the off-color and funny to the beatiful and hand-made, all in about 40 square feet of space.
One can only hope that it will not go the way of its former neighbor, a tiny antique store that turned into everyone's favorite South End Pretentious Purveyor of Pricey Produce. Hopefully, "She" (as apparently "She" is known to her produce-purveying peons) will not expand her empire any further down Waltham Street (a/k/a "Fraternity Row") (walk down the stretch of Waltham Street on any weekend night and you'll see what I mean by "Fraternity Row" - its about a nanosecond away from keg parties and drunk B.U. students in Togas).
So in about one year, we've lost Tommy Tish and We Think the World of You (a gay bookstore, now a bank). Watch out Aunt Sadie's, you're only a few breaths away from becoming a Chuck E. Cheese.