46 Degrees - Its That Time of Year....
Its 46 degrees outside right now. And in the South of End, that can only mean one thing: Burberry scarf season. Last winter, a friend and I used to amuse ourselves by counting the number of Burberry scarves we'd witness in one South End outing. One day we hit almost 30.
Here's the thing: like the South End itself, they are over. Aside from being completely unoriginal, their status as a staus symbol has diminished to almost nothing. (Note: the rest of the Burberry line is quite nice and respectable - its just those damn scarves). Anyone who has been to the Big Apple knows that Burberry scarf knock-offs are available on almost every streetcorner for about $5 a pop (best of all, the knock offs come in my fave material, polar fleece!! No more itchy wool!!). Moreover, in London (where the brand originated), Burberry scarves have now been relegated to bus drivers, construction workers and janitors at best. As my British friends said, "Only yobs wear them now."
Yobs and Bostonians....