Tuesday, April 10, 2007


I have been reeling with the mostly positive comments on this blog since it was featured in last week's South End News. Some of you made some pretty astute observations and others were just plain funny. In any event, it just reassured me that I'm not going crazy and that there are others out there who feel the same way.

This week, I started thinking about SOWA (see previous posts for what I really think it stands for) and SOHA. What about people who live on just plain WA? Can they still have their own acronym? I thought of some more South End acronyms and I invite readers to some up with their own in the comments section. Not limited to just acronyms, mine are the following:

HeTo (the heirloom tomato district, corner of Waltham and Tremont) (Which actually sounds like "HeTerO," which is probably more appropriate now that I think of it);

DoWiMac (stands for "Double Width Maclaren" district);

Uggia (city of Uggs);

CoBa (Coach Bag district);
ObExpOm ("Obscenely Expensive Omelette" district);

GraMaSt ("Granite Maple Stainless Steel" district);
DaBoMyCo ("Daddy Bought My Condo" district).
I have also thought of a new name for yet another condo building in the South of End marketed towards wealthy suburbanites who still want the cachet of the artists who they've driven out of the neighborhood:


From the brochure: Live in a "working artist's" 5 bedroom loft just like the artist you've driven out onto the streets, except with an elevator, doorman, concierge, underground parking, marble bath, built-ins and none of those pesky easels, paints, or chalk!! Impress your friends back on Beacon Hill or in Wellesley by mentioning that you live just like a starving artist in the city!! Bonus points if you know how to pronounce words like "atelier" ("artillery"? "artileer"?).